Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Evolution, Wedgies, Saddam Hussein, and Obesity

“Survival of the fittest”

You have all heard the term most often attributed to Charles Darwin and his theories on evolutionary biology. The idea is that if one species or subgroup-whether it is a virus, animal, plant or human, has the superior biological make-up that makes it best “fit” for survival, then its competition will not.

Unfortunately this phrase is far too simplistic. It was originally used as a synonym for “natural selection” in a later edition of Darwin’s book On the Origin of Species. While most of us imagine “survival of the fittest” as something that might play out on the playground: Small, physically inept kid gets beaten up and atomic wedgied for his lunch funds by the larger, more physically superior boy.

Not satisfied with the condom's effectiveness
two college freshmen take matters in their own hands

What Darwin really meant was to use this term as a metaphor for “better adapted for [the] immediate, local environment”. The basis to his theory is that living organisms co-evolve with the physical world. If they cannot do this, than they become extinct.

We as humans have survived both because of biological, as well as psychological evolution. We’ve developed means to adapt to our “immediate, local environment.” Our brains have developed in phenomenal ways to distinguish what might be dangerous and prepare a proper course of action. Someone swings a bat at your head and you will duck to avoid the danger rather than catch it with your teeth. We have continued to live and survive because we are not only physically capable, but also, psychologically unique. Over time we’ve become masters at seeing, interpreting, and avoiding immediate danger. Unfortunately this is where we have now encountered problems.

Humans are unique in the animal kingdom because we are the only species that can mentally fathom our past, present, and future. We are capable of planning our actions in the present, to hopefully require a certain outcome in the future. While our brains have developed tremendous capabilities to avoid danger that take physical form, unfortunately we aren’t so good at taking on dangers that come slow and without a name.

The evolution of man?

I first came about this theory sitting in a lecture delivered by a Harvard professor talking about global warming; and human’s inability to perceive it as an immediate threat. We know it’s real; all the science backs it up, yet we aren’t dodging it like the bat to the face. Rather each of us continue reminding ourselves to be more conscious about the environment while we jump into our SUVs, drinking our five dollar lattes, and buying whatever’s advertised on TV even though we know we’ll throw it away in a matter of months, if not days. The problem, the professor described, is that global warming has no physically perceivable form. Global warming has no face, we cannot blame it on one person like the US has blamed terrorism on Osama Bin Laden, or Saddam Hussein. Global warming doesn’t run at us like a hungry bear, rather it creeps on us slowly; gradually gaining momentum hiding behind a four-syllable abstract phrase. “Global warming” sounds like something out of a retirement home brochure. Because of this, we as humans know it’s there, know it will cost lives, but don’t push for immediate change.

Like global warming, another more social problem is costing lives in the same way; and this is where my theory comes into play. Obesity is one of the leading causes of preventable deaths in Canada. Preventable! Yet in 2004 the Canadian Community Health Survey found 23% of Canadians 18 and over were obese, while another staggering 36% were overweight. In total that is 59% (11.3 million people) of the population that is beyond the healthy, acceptable BMI level. (Yes, the study used BMI, while not necessarily the best testing method, it does give us a scary perspective of our country.)

Fat Kid...

...Or Hossein Rezazadeh in his younger years

Just like global warming, obesity is hard to blame on just one factor. There are so many social, psychological, nutritional, and physical issues underlying this epidemic. I’m not trying to oversimplify the problem (there is so much to this issue), but rather, I’m trying to explain why we are so slow to change. Obesity can’t be blamed on some scary, panic-driven, animal flu such as the SWINE or the Avian flu; it cannot be prevented or cured by a simple vaccine. We cannot simply point a finger at an individual and blame him/her for our country’s fatness. If there was some global terrorist hiding in remote caves who had caused this epidemic by bombing us with fat, it would be an entirely different story; in fact, every major TV channel may scream the phrase, “WAR ON FAT.” So, what I’m saying is let’s not wait until our nation in a state of RED, indicating “SEVERE RISK OF FAT ATTACK.”

We know it’s killing us, yet we continue over-consuming fast food, while becoming more and more sedentary. We cry about being fat, making new years resolutions to “finally” change, yet fall off the wagon faster than we can say Big Mac. We witness people around us dying of overweight related health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and certain types of cancer. We as humans know what we need to do, yet it’s easier said than done. We know we need to be more active and eat better. We know we need to stop eating and severely limit processed fast food. Yet we put it off. Death has disguised itself as a tasty burger with fries, all for just 3.99! Yum!

Unlike you...She could use a couple of these
(insert bad Paris Hilton and meat joke here)

Evolutionary biology has gotten us this far, but we are currently being attacked by a slow gradual killer which is beginning to snowball. We know it’s chasing us, yet we are unable to step out of the way because our biological make-up does not give us the tools to perceive it as an immediate threat. We are in a pot of simmering hot water, which is about to come to a boil, but we are still oblivious to the danger. We are being boiled to death by obesity and most of us don’t have the necessary tools to jump out.

As fitness professionals, and lovers of physical betterment we have the tools to fight this enemy. We know what really needs to be done and it isn’t easy. It doesn’t come in a vaccine; it cannot be picked up at a drive-thru; it doesn’t come in cherry or any other flavour, it cannot be taken with water once-a-day, and it doesn’t tingle to let you know it’s working. It’s hard work, it’s sweat, it’s eating healthy. It takes time, dedication, and persistence; it might truly be the best formula for the “survival of the fittest”.

Friday, November 20, 2009

No Rules Warrior Training

Alright this is it! The first no rules training session done outside of the gym. Had to spice things up by hitting lots of giant sets and density training to make up for the lack of weight

Farmer's walk two kettle bells from storage about ten blocks up hill to my apartment
Forearms, upper back, and shoulders were burning!! had to take lots of breaks

Circuit 1:
10 minutes as many rounds as possible

A1. 1 arm kettle bell snatch to press 3 reps per arm
A2. 10 clap push ups

Circuit 2:
Posterior chain giant set (no rest between sets)

B2. Band goodmornings 3x10
B3. Single leg hip thrust w/ weight and 5 second contraction at top 3x10 ea

Didn't take long!

The Next Chapter-Real World Warrior Training

I'm poor! That's right I said it!

I'm a struggling performance coach trying to get my own business going and due to recent misfortunes, had to move out of my gym. Yeah yeah, poor me. Because of this, my own training will now turn a new page. Not only do I not have a gym to train out of at the moment, I also have very little equipment to use. Basically I'm stuck to using equipment I can easily move around in a backpack and store in my closet as the rest is in storage for now.

You best believe this won't stop me!

I am a firm believer in minimalistic training. You don't need fancy gadgets to get you in shape. In fact Chad Waterbury, a neurophysiologist and well respected strength and conditioning coach, once said "there's an inverse relationship between the amount of equipment a performance coach has in his gym and his level of expertise"

Over the years I've come to learn that most exercise equipment is pretty much useless. If it won't directly help you reach your goals, and it's just there to look good, there is no reason for it. Take it out and stop looking like such a weak pansy!

Jimmy performs his latest rendition of the karate kid
It's "sport specific"...I swear.

I've written articles about "money saving underground training" and simple, cheap, home workouts. All of which have used minimal training tools. And now it's time for me to put this into practice!

I'm going to be ripping up some truly underground strength and conditioning. If I can get into a gym I'll be ripping up heavy compound movements, but most of the work will be done in the real world: parks, playgrounds, stairwells, and my apartment. Here's the list of equipment I have sandwiched in my closet

My closet

Who am I kidding...It's more like this
But more manly and it has equipment in it

-Kettle bells
-Jump stretch bands
-Thick rope

I have weight sleds in storage and will bust those out when the weather permits.

My goal is to hopefully maintain some strength in the main compound movements: squat, deadlift, bench, overhead press, and olympic lifts. This will be difficult as I won't be directly training these very often. The routine that I will be using in the following weeks does not follow traditional rules. It is not for a person who feels more comfortable working out behind closed doors, as I'll be ripping it up wherever I can! It won't be easy and it most certainly won't be F***ing fancy. But it will most certainly get the job done and show everyone that you can train like a warrior no matter the circumstances!

Now I'm off to rip this shit up and get rid of some stress! talk to you guys soon!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Intensity, intensity! INTENSITY!

I've always been a fan of high intensity training. While I prescribe more volume on a main lift, both to strengthen proper movement patterns, and to get more time under tension at maximal or near maximal weights.

With assistance lifts (exercises that directly help weaknesses in the main lift) nothing beats a good ol' quick ass whooping. If the same amount of work can get done in under 2 minutes that would normally take up to 5, why are you still taking the long road?

There are times where more volume and longer work periods are important, but for the regular Joe or Jane looking to get lean, build muscle, and become more athletic, it's not the best option. Consider the fact that everyone claims they don't have enough time, and probably have the workout attention span that rivals Stewart from Mad TV, sometimes you have to kill it and move on.

The Hit and Run technique. Get in get out and hope her dad doesn't see you jumping out the back window...Er...I mean finish off your training as quickly as possible so that you have more time in the day to do what you need to do.

So how do you add intensity techniques to your workout while decreasing your time at the gym? It's easy....actually it hurts, burns, and leaves you breathless like a shot of Habanero sauce sniffed up your nose. There is nothing easy about it, but it WILL get you results and get you out of the gym faster than you thought possible.

The following are just a couple ways to add intensity to your training:

Rest-Pause Technique

This one is simple and effective! This shouldn't be done with high risk exerises such squats, good mornings, deadlifts, or olympic lifts.

How it's done:

One extended set broken up with short rest periods. Grab a weight and push out as many reps as possible (if you are looking to increase your metabolism you'll probably want a weight that allows for 15-20 reps on the first set, for strength 3-6 reps, for size 8-12 reps). Cranked out as many reps as possible, and I mean AS MANY! The key is to go all out! Save your wimpy shit for another day.

Once you've pushed out your last set, rack the weight and rest, breathing deeply for 10-20 seconds. You're not done! pick up the weight again and push out as many reps as possible once more! this time the reps will be significantly lower. Repeat this one or two more times and you're done! Do only one set of this and you'll probably want to do a couple warm-up sets with lighter weight before you start.

Mechanical Drop-sets

This one is a nice alternative to conventional drop sets (doing as many reps as you can with a given weight, then lowering the weight and doing more reps). With conventional drop sets you are progressively lowering the weight, yes it burns, but you aren't recruiting that many extra muscle fibers. It's great for getting a good pump, and increasing endurance but is not quite as effective for adding size and strength.

Mechanical drop sets bypass this and allow you to do more work at the SAME weight thus recruiting more muscle.

How it's done:

Start with the hardest version of an exercise. Do as many reps as possible (similar to the same rep schemes as the rest-pause technique), as you reach a totally fatigued state, switch to a slightly easier version of the exercise and continue to bust out a couple more reps, finally dropping to another easier version, barely squeezing out a couple more reps. It won't be easy and you'll look just like you do when you're trying to get the very last drop out of your toothpaste tube.

As you get more fatigued, the exercise drops to a mechanically stronger movement, allowing for more work to be done.

This one is a little harder to understand so i'll give you a couple of examples:

-Dumbbell bench press: Start with an incline dumbbell bench press, drop to a low incline press, and finally to a flat bench press

-Pull ups: Start with a medium wide grip pull up (palms facing away from you), go to a regular grip pull up, and finally perform regular grip chin-ups

Try them out! and see if you like it. For more examples contact ken at www.ironathletics.com

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Upper body warrior training

Here's an example of an intense training day that some of my warrior clients killed this week!

1. Floor press work up to 2 heavy sets of 5
Followed by one set of max reps @ %50 of heaviest set

2a. Grappler piston press 3x 15 each
2b. Kroc rows 3x10 each

3a. Push-ups 4x max reps
3b. TRX inverted rows 4x same reps as push-ups or max reps if they could do more

4. Upper body finisher

Finishers are a killer way to get extra out of your workout without adding crazy amounts of time onto your session. They take very little time, they are intense, and often use strip sets, drop sets, mechanical drop sets, or rest-pause techniques. I'll give you an example the warriors went through a week ago:

Plate press ladder

Grab onto a weight plate on each side like you're holding a steering wheel and press it for multiple reps. Here's the catch though:

start with a 5 lbs plate x 20 reps
Then 10 lbs plate x 20 reps
25 lbs x 20 reps
35 lbs x 20 reps
45 lbs x 20 reps (this is where it begins to get harder...so far it has been easy)

Then go back down
35 lbs x 20
25 lbs x 20 (this is where you'll feel like a total wimp...this is probably the first time 25 lbs has felt so damn heavy!)
10 lbs x 20
5 lbs x 20

Call it a day! The key is to have a quick exchange from plate to plate so a partner is very helpful, though you can do this on your own

Friday, October 23, 2009

Home workout day 3

Throw in lots of hill sprints, stair runs (if you live in an building with lots of stairs), and field sprints to the mix on your off days. This will help keep your work capacity up while producing tremendous hormonal responses, keeping you strong, injury proof, and one lean bad-ass mofo

Home workout day 2

Home workout Warm-up and Day 1

4:30 wrecking crew killing a training session!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Bench training

Hitting the bench press heavy along with lots of body weight work and sled drags! Nothing like good ol' sled flu!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

deadlift training! and the GUN SHOW!

Squat training @ Iron Athletics

Squat training at the new Iron Athletics training centre. Quick and intense! Base week so starting with 3x8 this week on my main movements and increasing intensity (weight) and volume as the weeks progress. It's a 4 day split similar to Jim Wendlers 5/3/1 except for the rep ranges and a little extra work done. Monday: squats, Wednesday: bench, Friday: deadlift, next monday: overhead press repeat!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


As a trainer I'm suppose to tell you to eat clean. Eat your damn veggies. Get lots of fiber. And stop eating out all the time. Fair enough if you're trying to lose weight...the problem lies when you try to apply this to weight gain.

If you've EVER tried to bulk with clean food, WITHOUT using any assistance (aka steroids), you already know how freaking hard it is. Unless of course you are a damn asshole mesomorph who can stay at 200+ pounds off fig newtons, a couple handful of mixed nuts, and a protein shake or two (you bastard, you know who you are! If only I was so blessed). There is only so much calories in a chicken breast, cup of broccoli, or egg whites. Eat enough of these things and you're gonna start hating food! You'll pretty much hate life itself. You'll come to the point that you'll rather punch yourself square in the nose instead of eat another dry ass excuse for a chicken breast (maybe it's just my lame cooking skills).

The bottom line is, eating clean sometimes just doesn't do the job. Especially for Ectomorphs. You can try all the latest exercise routine "guaranteed to make you ripped and huge in 1 month" but if you aren't getting enough calories in, it ain't going to do SHIT

I'll tell you a story about what I went through. I'm not an ectomorph, nor am I a true mesomorph. Without doing much I usually hover between 175-185. A few years back, determined to get to 200+ lbs I tried eating clean. Eating every two hours. Pushing food down my throat and washing it down with water. One day I'd barely choke down 3500 calories...but the next day I'd suffer from a food hangover and probably only get 2500 calories.

I got to about 190 lbs but that was it...the cursed weight scale wasn't budging. I got obsessed with that thing. Trying to lean just a little bit to the left or right trying to find that sweet spot on the scale which would read half a pound heavier (don't hate, you know you've done it). Eventually I had to figure out another way.

What did I do? well it got ugly, but it worked. I put cheese on everything. AND I MEAN EVERYTHING! I think I once put cheese in a god damn peanut butter sandwhich. I made my protein shakes with whole milk, lots of fruit, peanut butter, and added a magical ingredient to help with my weight gain. Oil. That's right, good old fashioned olive or grape seed oil. I'd throw down at least 3 of those a day. Sure I'd eat clean food here and there...in between the sittings of burgers and pizza.

One day...finally I hit 205. Not amazing by any means, but the heaviest I had ever weighed. I felt huge. My strength went through the roof! Unfortunately my joints hated me. I couldn't jump without my knees feeling like they were going to shatter. I snored every freaking night to the point I'd wake my damn self up...pretty sure I blamed it on my girlfriend. I was fast...if you gave me about 10 seconds to accelerate (only on straight stretches though...none of this fancy agility shit). I did it though! Just shows how dirty you gotta get sometimes to reach your goals. There's what they write in the magazines...and then there's reality. The two rarely crossover.

I'm not saying this is the "healthiest" or text book way to gain weight but for you hardgainers sometimes you gotta put in work. Balance that out with a good routine focusing on heavy compound movements. Lots of rest. and sitting on your ass every chance you get, and you might be able to get to your goals.

This message was inspired by Nate green's article "37 tips and tales from Dave Tate"

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Training economy

Training economy is a term I like to use to describe how useful, effective, and results driven a particular routine, exercise, or equipment may be. Bottom line is most Fakeness World members (or any corporate gym member) waste way too much time at the gym!

Instead of getting in and out and killing their workout with the intensity of a warrior. They freaking bullshit with their "training partner" while they bicep curl a dumbbell that might as well be painted pink and have fluffy feathers with one hand and talk on their cell phone with the other. STOP IT!

If you want results whether it be losing weight or gaining muscle you HAVE to pick exercises with high training economy aka the best bang for your buck! Compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, overhead presses, olympic lift variations, chin ups, and lots and lots of rows! For conditioning there's nothing better than complexes and high intensity interval training, sprinting, bodyweight circuits, and sled dragging. If it's hard, makes you sweat so much you're leaving butt sweat angels all over the benches, and you have to will yourself to do it, then it's probably a DAMN GOOD EXERCISE

Why does heavy compound movements work!? well the more muscles and joints involved in a specific exercise, the more of a hormonal response your body produces. The goal is to trick your body into thinking it's going to war. If your pushing a really heavy weight, in reality your body has no freaking clue if that weight is a barbell or a 400 lbs man who want to make you his date. All it knows is that if you don't push that weight something bad might happen...so testosterone levels are increased dramatically! more testosterone=more strength and muscle

Finishing up your workout with a brutal high rep low rest complex or circuit is a great way to end the day! The more it burns the better it will be. Pick compound movements again but the rest periods are really short. When the body produces lactic acid a secondary response occurs which also produces growth hormone. Another wonderful hormonal response! Growth hormone will help increase your metabolism, burn extra fat, grow muscle, as well as restore connective tissue. Now that's a freaking BANG FOR YOUR BUCK

If you're pressed for time GET YOUR WORK DONE! THEN GET OUT OF THE GYM! If you have any damn juice left and time to spare throw in some arm work and isolation work, but only if you've done the rest.

Killer full body strength and conditioning!

I've been super busy with the new Iron Athletics business stuff so I had to rock out a quick intense full body workout to save time. This one was great! I also got to make use of my new TRX suspension bands. These things are damn useful!

1a) Back squats work up to a heavy set of 3
1b) Dumbbell snatch work up to a heavy set of 3 per arm

Bodyweight work
2a) TRX Inverted rows 3x max reps
2b) TRX suspended push-ups 3x max reps

Conditioning (pick a dumbbell and go back and forth between the two exercises starting at 10 reps each and working down a rep until you reach 1. You aren't allowed to drop the dumbbell until you are done)
3a) dumbbell swings 10-1
3b) dumbbell zercher squat 10-1

-This one killed me! I'm recovering from a cold so I've got the lunge capacity of a 70 year old smoker at bingo! my biceps and forearms were burning like I got some sort of rash from a toilet seat and my mid back was screaming like a wild banshee! IT WAS AWESOME! (god I'm sick)...but this is the stuff we live for! It smacks us and brings us to the present! It reminds us to keep living to the fullest!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ground Zero

Geeze I'm on top of this blog thing aren't I

Well...as you can see I've definitely been VERY active on this blog lately. Unfortunately I've been really busy juggling some big changes in my work life so it has been difficult. For you who don't know I'll be venturing into starting my own IRON ATHLETICS training centre! I'm super pumped for this! While I've been very active in the industry thus far...I've never started my own business, so everything is a learning experience!

I'm doing as much research as possible from the greats in the industry, but there is still lots to learn. I thought it would be interesting to write as well as upload video of the whole process. I've been toying with the idea but figured it should be done!

So far I've purchased some equipment and put it into the building which i'll be operating out of. I'll be keeping the equipment pretty basic. Nothing fancy just hard work. The space I have is tiny but it has a great parking lot to pull sleds, flip tires, and basically anything else that will build some serious ass kicking strength! As well there are plenty of schools, fields, and playgrounds to mix it up with! They just recently cut down a tree in the lot so there is big pieces of wood to use for lunging, squats, overhead pressing...you name it! Anyways that's it for now homies! I'll keep you posted and I'll shoot some video of the place tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

2nd week 3 day full body split!

This one was nearly the same as last week. I put the sandbag lunges onto the day 2 instead of the first day. Deadlifts went to 5x3 for this week instead of 4x4 and upped the weight. Increased the weight vest for part 2 a little while also increasing the ROM on the handstand push ups. The swings were increased by 10 seconds.

Killed it! Workout was quick! only took about 45 minutes including warm up

1a) Deadlifts 5x3 (last set the heaviest)

2a) Handstand push ups (this time with extra ROM) w/ weight vest
2b) Pull ups w/ weight vest

3a) Cable wood choppers 3x10 each side
3b) 32 kg kettle bell swings 3x 40 seconds

Monday, August 31, 2009

Last full body workout of the week!

It's the weekend so that means I get to sleep in a bit. Have a huge breakfast and prepare to destroy the gym! Nothing is on my mind but the workout. I get to forget everything else for just one hour and push my body as hard as it can. It's awesome! and a great way to end the week!

So here's my last full body workout of the week. I'll be repeating this workout for at least another week or two before I change the exercises up.

1a) Bent over barbell row 5x5 (last two sets at heaviest weight)
2a) Incline dumbbell press max reps each set (8-12)

3) Front squat 3x5

4) Running the rack with side laterals for one set. Old school BB style

5a) Barbell romanian deadlift 2x10
5b) Toes to bar leg raise 2x10

Friday, August 28, 2009

Rippin' it up!

Today's workout was another full body destroyer. I was pumped for this one! So far three days a week of hard lifting is working well. I'm coming in each time wanted to rip shit up! instead of feeling run down.

Unfortunately had quite a few people dropping in the gym asking questions so ran out of time had to do 2 sets instead of 3 on a few things. Yesterday I ripped up some Cosgrove's evil 8 complexes for GPP*

-Dynamic warm up and foam roller

1a) Close grip floor press worked up to max 3 reps for two sets
1b) Dumbbell rows max reps (10-20) every set

2a) Dumbbell snatch push press combo 2 sets of 3 each**
2b) Plate push! two lengths x2**
**Video attached

3a) Pull throughs 2x10

Also check out my homeboys busting out thick rope pull ups and hand walks like true warriors!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Underground workout kicked my A$$!

I've changed my routine to a 3 day full body split. first day was a zach even-esh inspired (basically stolen) workout that kicked my ass!

1. Deadlift 4x4 (last set an all out set)

2a) Handstand push ups 4xmax reps
2b) Pull ups 4x max reps
-I did these with a 20 lbs weight vest on

3. 100 lbs sandbag walking lunges 1x180 feet resting when needed

4a) Kettle bell swings 4x30 seconds
4b) Turkish sit up 4x5 each arm

It was brutal and awesome at the same time! give it a try

Money Saving Underground Training


Every so often I'll be posting a blog dedicated to out of the ordinary, bare bones, ass kicking workouts which can be done for free or super cheap!

I know what it's like to be a student going through university. You have to save money somehow and many of you are going back to school soon. I was lucky enough to work in gym settings throughout my schooling, which provided me with free gym memberships, but over time I've realized you don't need them!

Save money and change up your workouts by making them underground and bad ass! Push your results to new levels you've never seen!

Perform exercises with your body weight, sandbags, rocks, or a partner. All which have been used for hundreds of years by soldiers and warriors all over the world.

Train like a beast and remember intensity=results!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

No more excuses

"Don't whine, don't complain, and don't make excuses"-Coach Don Meyer

Do you have goals? Maybe you want to lose twenty pounds. Maybe you want to increase your deadlift by 50 lbs? Maybe your goals pertain to life, and you want to start a business, or start school, or maybe just find more time in the day for your friends and family.

Regardless of what they may be, how come you haven't started your goals!? or come close to completing them....instead you've just put them on the back burner, becoming a mere "to do" list, but never actually being done. Stop making excuses and start already!

Over time, I've heard every possible excuse and complaint especially when it comes to getting fit and losing weight, yet few really put in the effort to reach their goals. You work out, but than use this as an excuse to eat whatever the heck you want?! Than have the nerve to complain about why you aren't losing weight.

Or maybe you work out, in hopes to put on some strength and muscle, but can't stomach eating more than 3 meals a day!? You have no patience, instead you jump to a new routine blaming your lack of success on the exercises.

Stop blaming and start doing! be a Go Getter!

Demand the best out of yourself every day because you deserve it!
Write your goal on a piece of paper...better yet, write it down on something permanent that you can't throw away! A place where you'll confront it every day, until one day you can grab a big A$$ permanent marker and cross that puppy out because you were strong enough to finally reach it!

Be passionate about your goals. Push every single day! and find something that motivates you. Do it for yourself, or your family. Do it because it might mean a better future. Do it because it might mean you stay healthy and live longer.