Monday, August 31, 2009

Last full body workout of the week!

It's the weekend so that means I get to sleep in a bit. Have a huge breakfast and prepare to destroy the gym! Nothing is on my mind but the workout. I get to forget everything else for just one hour and push my body as hard as it can. It's awesome! and a great way to end the week!

So here's my last full body workout of the week. I'll be repeating this workout for at least another week or two before I change the exercises up.

1a) Bent over barbell row 5x5 (last two sets at heaviest weight)
2a) Incline dumbbell press max reps each set (8-12)

3) Front squat 3x5

4) Running the rack with side laterals for one set. Old school BB style

5a) Barbell romanian deadlift 2x10
5b) Toes to bar leg raise 2x10

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