Friday, November 20, 2009

The Next Chapter-Real World Warrior Training

I'm poor! That's right I said it!

I'm a struggling performance coach trying to get my own business going and due to recent misfortunes, had to move out of my gym. Yeah yeah, poor me. Because of this, my own training will now turn a new page. Not only do I not have a gym to train out of at the moment, I also have very little equipment to use. Basically I'm stuck to using equipment I can easily move around in a backpack and store in my closet as the rest is in storage for now.

You best believe this won't stop me!

I am a firm believer in minimalistic training. You don't need fancy gadgets to get you in shape. In fact Chad Waterbury, a neurophysiologist and well respected strength and conditioning coach, once said "there's an inverse relationship between the amount of equipment a performance coach has in his gym and his level of expertise"

Over the years I've come to learn that most exercise equipment is pretty much useless. If it won't directly help you reach your goals, and it's just there to look good, there is no reason for it. Take it out and stop looking like such a weak pansy!

Jimmy performs his latest rendition of the karate kid
It's "sport specific"...I swear.

I've written articles about "money saving underground training" and simple, cheap, home workouts. All of which have used minimal training tools. And now it's time for me to put this into practice!

I'm going to be ripping up some truly underground strength and conditioning. If I can get into a gym I'll be ripping up heavy compound movements, but most of the work will be done in the real world: parks, playgrounds, stairwells, and my apartment. Here's the list of equipment I have sandwiched in my closet

My closet

Who am I kidding...It's more like this
But more manly and it has equipment in it

-Kettle bells
-Jump stretch bands
-Thick rope

I have weight sleds in storage and will bust those out when the weather permits.

My goal is to hopefully maintain some strength in the main compound movements: squat, deadlift, bench, overhead press, and olympic lifts. This will be difficult as I won't be directly training these very often. The routine that I will be using in the following weeks does not follow traditional rules. It is not for a person who feels more comfortable working out behind closed doors, as I'll be ripping it up wherever I can! It won't be easy and it most certainly won't be F***ing fancy. But it will most certainly get the job done and show everyone that you can train like a warrior no matter the circumstances!

Now I'm off to rip this shit up and get rid of some stress! talk to you guys soon!

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