Monday, August 31, 2009

Last full body workout of the week!

It's the weekend so that means I get to sleep in a bit. Have a huge breakfast and prepare to destroy the gym! Nothing is on my mind but the workout. I get to forget everything else for just one hour and push my body as hard as it can. It's awesome! and a great way to end the week!

So here's my last full body workout of the week. I'll be repeating this workout for at least another week or two before I change the exercises up.

1a) Bent over barbell row 5x5 (last two sets at heaviest weight)
2a) Incline dumbbell press max reps each set (8-12)

3) Front squat 3x5

4) Running the rack with side laterals for one set. Old school BB style

5a) Barbell romanian deadlift 2x10
5b) Toes to bar leg raise 2x10

Friday, August 28, 2009

Rippin' it up!

Today's workout was another full body destroyer. I was pumped for this one! So far three days a week of hard lifting is working well. I'm coming in each time wanted to rip shit up! instead of feeling run down.

Unfortunately had quite a few people dropping in the gym asking questions so ran out of time had to do 2 sets instead of 3 on a few things. Yesterday I ripped up some Cosgrove's evil 8 complexes for GPP*

-Dynamic warm up and foam roller

1a) Close grip floor press worked up to max 3 reps for two sets
1b) Dumbbell rows max reps (10-20) every set

2a) Dumbbell snatch push press combo 2 sets of 3 each**
2b) Plate push! two lengths x2**
**Video attached

3a) Pull throughs 2x10

Also check out my homeboys busting out thick rope pull ups and hand walks like true warriors!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Underground workout kicked my A$$!

I've changed my routine to a 3 day full body split. first day was a zach even-esh inspired (basically stolen) workout that kicked my ass!

1. Deadlift 4x4 (last set an all out set)

2a) Handstand push ups 4xmax reps
2b) Pull ups 4x max reps
-I did these with a 20 lbs weight vest on

3. 100 lbs sandbag walking lunges 1x180 feet resting when needed

4a) Kettle bell swings 4x30 seconds
4b) Turkish sit up 4x5 each arm

It was brutal and awesome at the same time! give it a try

Money Saving Underground Training


Every so often I'll be posting a blog dedicated to out of the ordinary, bare bones, ass kicking workouts which can be done for free or super cheap!

I know what it's like to be a student going through university. You have to save money somehow and many of you are going back to school soon. I was lucky enough to work in gym settings throughout my schooling, which provided me with free gym memberships, but over time I've realized you don't need them!

Save money and change up your workouts by making them underground and bad ass! Push your results to new levels you've never seen!

Perform exercises with your body weight, sandbags, rocks, or a partner. All which have been used for hundreds of years by soldiers and warriors all over the world.

Train like a beast and remember intensity=results!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

No more excuses

"Don't whine, don't complain, and don't make excuses"-Coach Don Meyer

Do you have goals? Maybe you want to lose twenty pounds. Maybe you want to increase your deadlift by 50 lbs? Maybe your goals pertain to life, and you want to start a business, or start school, or maybe just find more time in the day for your friends and family.

Regardless of what they may be, how come you haven't started your goals!? or come close to completing them....instead you've just put them on the back burner, becoming a mere "to do" list, but never actually being done. Stop making excuses and start already!

Over time, I've heard every possible excuse and complaint especially when it comes to getting fit and losing weight, yet few really put in the effort to reach their goals. You work out, but than use this as an excuse to eat whatever the heck you want?! Than have the nerve to complain about why you aren't losing weight.

Or maybe you work out, in hopes to put on some strength and muscle, but can't stomach eating more than 3 meals a day!? You have no patience, instead you jump to a new routine blaming your lack of success on the exercises.

Stop blaming and start doing! be a Go Getter!

Demand the best out of yourself every day because you deserve it!
Write your goal on a piece of paper...better yet, write it down on something permanent that you can't throw away! A place where you'll confront it every day, until one day you can grab a big A$$ permanent marker and cross that puppy out because you were strong enough to finally reach it!

Be passionate about your goals. Push every single day! and find something that motivates you. Do it for yourself, or your family. Do it because it might mean a better future. Do it because it might mean you stay healthy and live longer.