Instead of getting in and out and killing their workout with the intensity of a warrior. They freaking bullshit with their "training partner" while they bicep curl a dumbbell that might as well be painted pink and have fluffy feathers with one hand and talk on their cell phone with the other. STOP IT!
If you want results whether it be losing weight or gaining muscle you HAVE to pick exercises with high training economy aka the best bang for your buck! Compound movements such as squats, deadlifts, bench presses, overhead presses, olympic lift variations, chin ups, and lots and lots of rows! For conditioning there's nothing better than complexes and high intensity interval training, sprinting, bodyweight circuits, and sled dragging. If it's hard, makes you sweat so much you're leaving butt sweat angels all over the benches, and you have to will yourself to do it, then it's probably a DAMN GOOD EXERCISE
Why does heavy compound movements work!? well the more muscles and joints involved in a specific exercise, the more of a hormonal response your body produces. The goal is to trick your body into thinking it's going to war. If your pushing a really heavy weight, in reality your body has no freaking clue if that weight is a barbell or a 400 lbs man who want to make you his date. All it knows is that if you don't push that weight something bad might testosterone levels are increased dramatically! more testosterone=more strength and muscle
Finishing up your workout with a brutal high rep low rest complex or circuit is a great way to end the day! The more it burns the better it will be. Pick compound movements again but the rest periods are really short. When the body produces lactic acid a secondary response occurs which also produces growth hormone. Another wonderful hormonal response! Growth hormone will help increase your metabolism, burn extra fat, grow muscle, as well as restore connective tissue. Now that's a freaking BANG FOR YOUR BUCK
If you're pressed for time GET YOUR WORK DONE! THEN GET OUT OF THE GYM! If you have any damn juice left and time to spare throw in some arm work and isolation work, but only if you've done the rest.