Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Killer full body strength and conditioning!

I've been super busy with the new Iron Athletics business stuff so I had to rock out a quick intense full body workout to save time. This one was great! I also got to make use of my new TRX suspension bands. These things are damn useful!

1a) Back squats work up to a heavy set of 3
1b) Dumbbell snatch work up to a heavy set of 3 per arm

Bodyweight work
2a) TRX Inverted rows 3x max reps
2b) TRX suspended push-ups 3x max reps

Conditioning (pick a dumbbell and go back and forth between the two exercises starting at 10 reps each and working down a rep until you reach 1. You aren't allowed to drop the dumbbell until you are done)
3a) dumbbell swings 10-1
3b) dumbbell zercher squat 10-1

-This one killed me! I'm recovering from a cold so I've got the lunge capacity of a 70 year old smoker at bingo! my biceps and forearms were burning like I got some sort of rash from a toilet seat and my mid back was screaming like a wild banshee! IT WAS AWESOME! (god I'm sick)...but this is the stuff we live for! It smacks us and brings us to the present! It reminds us to keep living to the fullest!

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